A predictive, step-by-step ASSESSMENT SYSTEM for tackling complex cases – so you get to the ROOT CAUSE of dysfunction QUICKER, your patients continuously feel better, & your practice is fully booked
The truth about being a manual practitioner?
Orthopedic tests alone are not enough…
They’re great for identifying structural problems, but what happens when the tests don’t lead to clear answers?
What about the patients who aren’t in pain but still aren’t functioning optimally?
Or patients looking to maximize their longevity?
Or the ones who need more than a diagnosis—they need a roadmap?
Manual practitioners don't deal with truly Orthopedic issues...
What you’re actually treating is neurofunctional in nature because the nervous system is in charge of everything. All roads lead to the brain.

This is where FIFA comes in:
When you add in a good neurofunctional assessment…
1️⃣ Now you have a predictive system that provides consistent directionality during treatment.
🧭 You know where to start and what results to look for.
🗺️ A full game plan comes together easily, complete with pre and post tests.
🔎 When results aren't as expected, you just re-test for deeper pathology.
2️⃣ Now you understand where dysfunctions happen, not just what is wrong.
So you can seamlessly transition patients from pain relief to optimization & performance care.
So complex cases are broken down into treatment targets & corrective goals that achieve continuous improvements and retain patients for years.
3️⃣ Now the patient relationship looks more like a partnership
Its hard to sell a treatment plan when you're speaking a different language.
FIFA helps cross that bridge with a universal language:
This is how you show patients their dysfunction, what they need, so they are invested in the process and rebooking on their own.
Master the neurofunctional assessment, and your treatment plans will sell themselves.
When patients act more like partners,
when they're not dependent,
when they take an active role,
FIFA grads often say: "you've made practice more fun for me"
4️⃣ Now you're accessing a whole new area of opportunity
The continuum of care for people in pain or with injuries is wide but when do you see your patients on this continuum?
Before surgery, after surgery, after injury, during chronic state, preventatively, or for performance in the case of athletes.
NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF THERAPIST YOU ARE, if your answer was not ALL OF THESE, then you're wrong.
Truthfully, practitioners can spend 80% of their time in performance care – especially with individuals that are highly motivated and longevity focused.
Getting a patient to keep coming, even when they're not in pain, they need to buy into the process!
FIFA is how you progress patients into a highly rewarding performance care plan.
FIFA is how you attract dream patients you want to help feel better.
FIFA is how your patients see so much value they keep paying you for years
Performance Care or preventative treatments are very rewarding, you get to know your patient's neuro-biodynamics and physical adaptations at a different level.
🔥 Treating injuries is like putting out a fire
🏗️ Performance care is like rebuilding or renovating and improving a structure.
As you learn the intricacies of the human body, you see what is possible.
How many times have you heard your patients say “I have to live with it”, “it is what it is”. The answer to that is NO.
5️⃣ Now you're creating mutually beneficial referral relationships
A good neurofunctional assessment has the ability to:
✅ Teach referrals how to TRUST in your expertise
💸 Teach referrals how to VALUE what you bring to the table
🗣️ Teach referrals how to SPEAK to you about cases
& that's how you build a stable practice.
🤔 "How does FIFA integrate with what I'm already doing?"
Most of you have been in the field for years.
You already know how to assess, you already have your processes.
FIFA is a useful global assessment for your toolbox to better understanding a client’s body
It raises red flags & highlights areas to address using your modalities.
FIFA is adaptable and moldable, which means if you work with the human body it will only enhance your practice and produce better patient outcomes.
🤔 "What do you get with FIFA online?"
✅ 3 pre-recorded classes
Recorded live at FIFA in-person – so everyone can experience a live event with Dr. Mike.
✅ 3 guest expert assessments cover the full continuum of care: surgery, rehab, and performance.
✅ A total of 6 comprehensive assessment demonstrations
✅ Dr Mike’s full neuromuscular assessment: aka therapist’s gold
✅ Access for 1 full year to view each of the classes as many times as you want

💻 Class 1
Introduction Into a Therapy Directed Assessment & the Algorithm of Manual Therapy
Assessment 1: Matt Nichols, Functional Movement Screen
Watch how a strength coach integrates FIFA into a functional movement screen to assess an athlete's capabilities, optimizing their training—or identifying when referral to Dr. Mike for treatment is needed.
Assessment 2: Dr Mike, Upper-Body Assessment
Observe Dr Mike’s full upper-body assessment to witness how Matt’s assessment overlaps, and how their global assessment allows them to speak the same language and more quickly establish a treatment plan.
💻 Class 2
Cutting Through the Clutter of Orthopedic Tests
Assessment 3: Dr. John Theodoropoulos, Orthopedic Exam
Watch how Dr. Theo rules in or out surgical issues, so referrals are accurate, and the relationships you have with surgeons are strong. Find out what they deem surgical versus non-surgical and how every patient—whether surgical or not—progresses along the care continuum, from rehab to performance.
Assessment 4: Dr Mike, Lower Body Assessment
Discover how Dr. Mike’s lower-body neurofunctional exam builds on Dr. Theo’s orthopedic findings, identifying the neurological drivers behind dysfunction. See how this layered approach bridges the gap between surgical and non-surgical cases, guiding patients seamlessly from recovery to peak performance.
💻 Class 3
Key Concepts in Neuro Motor Testing
Assessment 5: Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga, Neuro Motor Test
Understand the complexity of the human pain problem to become an expert manual practitioner. Listen and watch as Dr Elorriaga, Sports Medicine Specialist, walks through advanced Neuro Motor testing and the concepts of NeuroMapping
Assessment 6: Dr Mike, a full FIFA assessment
Witness a full assessment by Dr Mike. This is how you identify treatment targets and get better results than your peers – by knowing every movement by peripheral nerve and by segment.
Is FIFA for you?
All healthcare professionals listed below can benefit from taking FIFA.
Manual therapists that treat musculoskeletal conditions will benefit the most.
✅ Acupuncturists
✅ Chiropractors
✅ Massage Therapists
✅ Medical Doctors
✅ Naturopaths
✅ Occupational Therapists
✅ Osteopaths
✅ Physiotherapists
✅ Registered Kinesiologists
It is highly recommended that students who enroll in FIFA have completed at least one semester of gross anatomy prior to enrollment.
To enroll, you must have:
✅ an active healthcare license issued by a state or national credentialing board
✅ be enrolled in a healthcare degree program at an accredited post-secondary institution, that requires a license from a state or national credentialing board to practice in your field of study post-graduation.
A Certificate of Completion is provided for those seeking continuing education credits:
✅ 6 CE credits for foundations in functional assessment online
✅ PACE approved for CE credits in US
✅ Recognized by the PACE program of Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards